During the summer of 2020, which upset the planning of events on the global level, Ômina Romana had the prestige of offering to the refined audience of Ravello,renowned place for its incomparable beauty placed on the Amalfi Coast and known all over the world both for its Festival and for hosting famous personalities, two "special events" featuring a perfect combination of "Wine and Music".
Thanks to the support and patronage of the Municipality of Ravello during the Augustan evenings of the 16th and 31st, the magnificent setting of the Bishop's Gardens welcomed a selected audience of admirers of bel canto and authentic "wine lovers" to give light exclusively to the first appointment of the "Vino&Musica" format created, ça va sans dire, by the founder of Ômina Romana Dr. Anton F. Börner.
Dr Börner's inspiration comes from his deep passion for the world of wine, to him we owe the birth of Ômina Romana, but also from his innate attraction to art and history through music. And this is how the fusion of these authentic passions and skills has resulted in an innovative format between the wine world by Ômina Romana and music listening.
Even with due observance of safety and spacing regulations, as the Covid period forced us to maintain even during the summer of 2020, it was possible to create two evenings of absolute beauty that, maintaining the same format, were diversified in versions with Opera music and Jazz music proposing the enjoyment of the performance in a unique combination of wine and music as authentic protagonists of the evening.
The performances alternated musical interludes aimed at emphasizing in an innovative way the sensory peculiarities and the spectators - seated at their tasting table - were accompanied in an aesthetic journey through the progressive tasting of wines and the enjoyment of sound "moments" of opera music in the form of Recital for the evening "Vino&Opera", with the winning singers of the Ravello Città della Musica Opera Competition and guided by Patrizia Porzio's artistic direction , and with some of the most famous songs from the jazz repertoire for the "Vino&Jazz" evening with Band U. S. Naval Forces Europe "The Alliance Jazz Combo".
Fundamental was the narrating voice of Ario Avecone, who, ferrying the audience between a tasting and a musical performance, characterized the path of the "multisensory counterpoint" while the sommeliers of Ômina Romana in a wheeled tour poured the wines paired with the musical piece into the goblets placed on the tables between the various rows of the audience.
An attentive and enthusiastic audience made the evenings a real success, gaining the applause of the Mayor of Ravello, Mr. Salvatore di Martino, Attorney at Law, who confirmed the success of the format and planned new appointments for the summer of 2021.
"Considering the great success of these evenings in a particular moment that the whole world is experiencing, we must bear in mind that initiatives like this can only benefit the soul and the mind, especially when you are surrounded by a location as extraordinary as Ravello " - these are the words of satisfaction Dr Boerner reserved at the end of the performance.
...but it doesn't end here, because the "Vino&Musica" format will still have many surprises in store both in Italy and abroad, so top your glasses and "prosit" for the next eagerly awaited appointment!
If you want to relive the atmosphere of Vino&Musica di Ravello you can watch the 2 evenings of Vino&Opera and Vino&Jazz from the live video and buy from the online shop of www.ominaromana.com the wines paired with the various musical performances and so you too will be from the multisensory counterpoint" path in perfect harmony between tasting the wines of Ômina Romana in combination with the selection of sound moments ... do not miss this exclusive "experience"!
Toast "Libiamo" - La Traviata - G. Verdi
Mix me the wine - Brindisi - G. Verdi
2.Ômina Romana Hermes Diactoros II 2018
Hymn to Baccho - Orphée aux Enfers- J. Offenbach
Je suis grisé - La Périchole - J. Offenbach
Fin ch'han dal vino - Don Giovanni - W.A. Mozart
3.Ômina Roman Diana Nemorensis I 2017
La Barcarola - Les Contes d'Hoffmann- J. Offenbach
Il était une fois à la cour d'Eisenach - Les Contes d'Hoffmann - J. Offenbach
Adir, has the sky...- Elixir of love - G. Donizetti
Dear Elsir! You are mine! Adina duet, Nemorino - Elisir d'amore - G. Donizetti
5.Ômina Romana Ceres Anesidora I 2015
Overture - Carmen - G. Bizet
Votre Toast - Carmen - G. Bizet
Intermezzo - Cavalleria Rusticana - P. Mascagni
Viva the sparkling wine - Cavalleria Rusticana - P. Mascagni
1.Ômina Romana Hermes Diactoros II 2019
On The Sunny Side Of The Street
2. Ômina Romana Chardonnay Ars Magna 2016
Well, You Needn't
What A Little Moonligt
3.Ômina Romana Viognier Ars Magna 2016
Afro Blue
4.Ômina Roman Merlot Ars Magna 2015
Isn't She Lovely
5. Ômina Roman Cabernet Franc Ars Magna 2015
In A Sentimental Mood
Starlight Star
6.Ômina Romana Ceres Anesidora I 2015
The Ocean
Funky Repect
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Omina it's my name🤔😇